Oxygen therapy system for improving sleep-related disorder

Oxygen therapy system for improving sleep-related disorder

Sleep-related hypo-ventilation should be considered in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because appropriate respiratory management during sleep is important for preventing the elevation of PaCO2 levels. A nasal high-flow oxygen therapy system using a special nasal cannula can deliver suitably heated and humidified oxygen at up to 60 L/min. Since the oxygen concentration remains a constant independent of minute ventilation, this system is particularly useful in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who have hypercapnia. This is the first report of sleep-related hypo-ventilation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease improving using a nasal high-flow oxygen therapy system.

The use of a nasal high-flow oxygen therapy system proved effective in delivering a prescribed concentration of oxygen from the time of acute exacerbation until returning home in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, and sleep-related hypoventilation. The nasal high-flow oxygen therapy system is currently used as a device to administer high concentrations of oxygen in many patients with type I respiratory failure, but may also be useful instead of a Venturi mask in patients like ours with type II respiratory failure, additionally providing some positive end-respiratory pressure.

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