Common Questions about CPAP machine

Prism Smart (Ventilogic)

Common Questions about CPAP machine

When it comes to proper treatment for any health condition, patient education is often the most crucial aspect in compliance with therapy. Patients that are uninformed about their disorder and treatment options are among the first to quickly abandon therapy. It’s sad to see patients go through the process of exploring their symptoms, seeking a diagnosis, and getting set up with treatment, only to discontinue treatment after a short time. And one of the biggest factors for patients quitting treatment is a lack of quality education from medical professionals about the necessity of continued therapy.

I’ve been told I may have sleep apnea and need a CPAP machine. How do I get one?

CPAP You should begin by talking with a doctor about your symptoms. Let your doctor know if you snore during sleep, stop breathing during sleep, wake with headaches, feel excessively sleepy during the day, have memory or cognitive troubles, and any other symptoms you may be experiencing.

Based on your answers and a physical check-up your doctor may recommend you have a sleep test performed.

The results of your test will be reviewed by a sleep physician who will determine the diagnosis of your test and recommend the best therapy.

If a CPAP machine is found to be the best treatment for your sleep apnea, you may be asked to return to the clinic to have a second sleep study, called a CPAP titration, in which you will be required to wear a CPAP mask during the night so the specialist can find the best pressure settings to keep you breathing regularly throughout the night.

How often do I need to get supplies for my CPAP?

Regularly cleaning and replacing your mask, mask cushions, filters, and other CPAP equipment is vital in maintaining compliance. Various parts and pieces are scheduled to be replaced every so often as the materials in the equipment break down over time.

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