Prisma30ST comfort of sleep therapy
Prisma30ST: Strong ventilation with the comfort of sleep therapy
prisma30ST is the means of choice for patients who suffer from respiratory insufficiency, e.g., position-dependent hypoventilation and/or COPD, and Concurrent SDB (Sleep-Disordered Breathing). Equipped with the unique autoS/T mode with adjustable target volume, auto CPAP, and backup frequency, prisma30ST provides comfortable ventilation that quickly leads to lasting treatment success.
- Versatile: Ventilation modes CPAP, APAP, S, T, S/T, autoS/T, aPCV
- Flexible: Broad pressure range (4 – 30 hPa) and several adjustable
- parameters for greater flexibility in therapy settings
- Reliable: Assured target volume in every position
- High level of safety: Provided by automatic backup frequency or fixed backup
- frequency setting plus optional alarms that can be set for leaks, low minute volume,
- low tidal volume and apnea
- Fast: SCOPES (indication-specific pre-settings) for COPD and hypoventilation with the
- option of making adjustments at any time
- Precise: Identification of periodic breathing, RERA, snoring, hypopnea,
- apnea and flow limitations
- For natural breathing: Optional auto-trigger (Trigger IN and Trigger EX)
- For synchronized breathing: Adaptive inspiratory pressure rise (Ramp IN) and
- expiratory pressure reduction (Ramp EX)
- A good overview: High-resolution therapy data for up to 14 days and detailed
- statistics for 366 days
- Process support: With SD card and USB port
- Simple: Eight clearly identified analog signals for PSG feed
- Practical: Remote management (prismaTSlab) via LAN with therapy software prismaTS
- Worry-free: prismaLine requires no maintenance
- Barely audible: Unheard-of stillness even at high pressures
- User-oriented: Separate operation menus for experts and patients allow navigation
- tailored to the user‘s needs.
- High compliance: Thanks to comfort functions such as soft-start, autoSTART-STOP
- and continuous mask and therapy feedback
- Best conditions: heated breathing tube prismaHYBERNITE warms the air and stops
- condensation from forming in the tube, thereby preventing annoying mask sounds.
- Very simple: Easy-to-use prismaAQUA humidifier