Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea and its treatment
Are you tired during the day, even after you slept the previous night?
Do you fall asleep during the day when you don’t mean to?
Has your bed partner noticed that you snore loudly or make choking noises while you sleep?
If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, then you may be suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA is a common sleep disorder in which your upper airway collapses totally or partially for 10 seconds or more while you are sleeping. This obstruction in the upper airway will cause snoring and reduces the amount of air getting into your lungs. Due to repeated collapses of airways air will not pass through the lungs which reduces your oxygen level. Due to a lack of oxygen, you will wake up and start to breathe in again. Frequent awakening in the night will cause daytime sleepiness and will have negative consequences on your health.
The cycle of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
What are the common symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Excessive daytime Sleepiness
Loud, irregular snoring
Morning headaches
Depression, irritability or moodiness
Poor concentration & memory loss
Choking and gasping during sleep
High blood pressure, diabetes
What are the effects of sleep apnea?
If sleep apnea is not diagnosed and treated, sleep apnea can result in a growing number of health problems, including:
High blood pressure
Heart failure
Irregular heart rhythms and heart attacks
Poor life style
Possibilities of driving and work-related accidents
What to do if you think you have sleep apnea?
Visit your nearest Sleep Specialist or physician for the consultation. Sleep specialists will evaluate your sleep problem by conducting a whole night sleep diagnostic study called polysomnography study. These studies are performed to confirm the severity and treatment modes.
What are the treatments available for sleep apnea?
Weight Reduction: For mild sleep apnea conditions there will be advice on weight reduction with the management of sleep hygiene.
Surgery and oral appliances: For structural deviation-related sleep disorders doctors will advise surgery or oral appliances.
PAP (Positive Airway Pressure) treatment: PAP is the most effective treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Compressed air pressure will be given to the nasal passage through light and a soft mask. This pressure will help to open the throat overnight and allows the patient to breathe normally without any obstruction in the upper airway. Different types of PAP devices like CPAP, Auto CPAP, and BiLevel PAP devices will be prescribed to treat OSA based on the severity and comfort of the patient.
We are Renting out the CPAP and Bipap machine and we also have Prisma30st, Prisma AVAPS, Prisma CPAP, Prisma IVAPS and NIV