Do you have breathing difficulties during sleep?

Do you have breathing difficulties during sleep?

Do you have breathing difficulties during sleep?

Are you wondering what the symptoms are related to? There is a possibility that you may be suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea, commonly referred to as sleep apnea. Don’t be alarmed just yet. Wait to get yourself diagnosed by a good sleep specialist.

Loud snoring

Is your better half or dear ones complaining that your snoring has become very loud? Is your sleep being disrupted by your own loud snores? Are you often researching quick cures or remedies for snoring? Snoring is a common issue. However, while loud snoring is not the only symptom of Sleep Apnea, it is one of the symptoms. If your snoring is causing problems for yourself or your loved ones, it may be time to get it checked out.

Choking or gasping during sleep

Have you been waking up with sudden choking or gasps to catch your breath? Has this happened multiple times? If so, how frequently does this occur? Choking and gasping for breath is one of the telling signs that you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Morning headaches

If you experience headaches in the mornings regularly, it could indicate a lack of quality sleep due to obstructed airways. When airways are obstructed, your system doesn’t receive adequate amounts of oxygen, which in turn leads to a buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.

Dry mouth after sleep

If you are experiencing dry mouth and sore throat after sleep, it could mean that you were having difficulty breathing in the night. To alleviate breathing trouble at night, it is common for people with breathing and sleep disorders to open their mouths to sleep.

Are any of the above symptoms bothering you regularly? As mentioned earlier, experiencing any of the above symptoms regularly doesn’t necessarily mean that you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. They are just alarm bells to look out for, to tell you that it may be time to visit your doctor and a sleep specialist.

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