CPAP helps you feel and look your best
People with sleep apnea often report that they feel like a new person when they begin using CPAP therapy. They sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. As a result their mood also improves.
Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing during sleep. These breathing pauses can occur hundreds of times per night. Each breathing pause also can disrupt your sleep.
That’s why sleep apnea drains you of your daytime energy: You’re briefly waking up repeatedly during the night. As a result, you never get a full night of quality sleep.
This poor sleep can cause you to feel exhausted during the day. The new study suggests that sleep apnea also can cause you to look as bad as you feel.
CPAP therapy reduces fatigue, and increases energy in patients with sleep apnea, a study suggests. “These results are important, as they highlight that patients who comply with CPAP therapy can find relief from fatigue and experience increases in energy and vigor after a relatively short treatment period.”
People with sleep apnea often report that they feel like a new person when they begin using CPAP therapy. They sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. As a result their mood also improves. Now a new study shows that CPAP may help you look better too.
The good news is that CPAP therapy is effective, and it continues to get better. Recent advances make CPAP quieter and more comfortable.
CPAP helps you sleep better, so you can feel your best. And when you feel good, you look good too
We are Renting out the CPAP and Bipap machine and we also have Prisma30st, Prisma AVAPS, Prisma CPAP, Prisma IVAPS, and NIV