Thought that the answer to uncontrolled diabetes could be sleep apnea?

Thought that the answer to uncontrolled diabetes could be sleep apnea?

Thought that the answer to uncontrolled diabetes could be sleep apnea?

• 7/10 patients with diabetes have OSA1
• The overall cases of OSA diagnosed in Patients with type 2 diabetes is approximately 71% based on the average of data from 5 studies
• 4/5 obese patients with diabetes2 have OSA
• The highest estimate of 86% was reported in obese diabetic patients who were enrolled in the multi-center Sleep AHEAD study
• Diagnose and treat Sleep Apnea in your patients with Diabetes

Common symptoms of OSA in diabetic patients

• Loud Snoring
• Daytime sleepiness
• Grasping of breathing during sleep
• Early morning headache

We are Renting out the CPAP and Bipap machine and we also have Prisma30st, Prisma AVAPS, Prisma CPAP, Prisma IVAPS, and NIV

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