Prisma Smart and Soft Max Cpap

With Prisma SMART and Prisma SOFT in the plus and max variants, we offer modern, reliable CPAP and APAP therapy featuring integrated connectivity, precise event detection, and a high level of patient comfort. The plus stands for integrated Bluetooth for data transmission to the Prisma APP and thus for modern patient self-management. Equipped with an integrated modem, the max variants also offer the complete telemedical Prisma CLOUD connection.

The most important features at a glance
• Two dynamic options for pressure adjustment in APAP mode
• Deep sleep indicator Prisma RECOVER for evaluation of sleep quality
• Several convenience functions such as autoSTART, softSTART, pressure relief softPAP
• Detection of periodic breathing, RERA, snoring, hypopnea, apnea, and flow limitations
• Reliable differentiation of obstructive apnea from central apnea, thanks to FOT (Forced Oscillatory Technique)
• Extensive range of Prisma accessories
• Diverse interfaces (SD, PSG, LAN)
• Unheard-of silence

Löwenstein software solutions
• Prisma CLOUD
The telemedical connection (telemonitoring / telesetting) for experts and patients. Information updated daily on therapy, fully automated, from anywhere
• Prisma APP
Modern patient self-management with the Prisma APP, thanks to integrated Bluetooth
• PrismaTS/prismaTSlab
Therapy software for experts. For detailed data analysis and remote setting
• Prisma JOURNAL
Everything at a glance for patients, with no need to transmit data