Must-Have for Novel Coronavirus for Cpap user

Must-Have for Novel Coronavirus for Cpap user

Prevention Protect yourself against COVID-19 disease

The novel coronavirus outbreak is a respiratory illness that has been killing more than thousands of people and infecting more than eighty thousand worldwide up to the 2nd of March.

How dangerous is this coronavirus?

Different from other coronaviruses, this novel coronavirus is infectious from human to human, it can be transmitted while an infected person still isn’t showing any symptoms.

So what should CPAP users do in response to the coronavirus?

While there is still much that is being learned about the disease, there are a few basics that CPAP users should be aware of so that they can lower their risk.

CPAP users should avoid touching their face, as the nose, mouth, and eyes present an easy avenue for viruses to enter the body. Frequently touched surfaces in the home (or at work) should be disinfected often, preferably with a bacteria-killing wipe or spray. When washing your hands, be sure to wash for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap. Hand sanitizers that are at least 60 percent alcohol can also be used.

CPAP users should avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid shaking hands at work or church. Remember, because many people will likely experience mild symptoms from the coronavirus, they may not be quarantined as a result of their illness.

If I develop covid-19 and isolate at home, will my CPAP help if I develop breathing problems?

CPAP machine will be marginally helpful as it provides relatively low pressure to splint open the upper airway for patients with sleep apnea and not the higher pressures needed to support ventilation with supplemental oxygen, typical of ICU ventilators.

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