Basics of Sleep Apnea

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Basics of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Basics

Sleep apnea causes loud snoring and interrupted sleep because your breathing is obstructed while you sleep. Consequently, you don’t get enough oxygen going to your lungs and brain. Deprived of sufficient oxygen, people with sleep apnea may partially awaken multiple times during the night, which interrupts sleep. Severe sleep apnea has been linked to increased risk of heart problems and other conditions ­– and it can result in automobile accidents when sleep-deprived people get behind the wheel.

There are two basic types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central. The first kind, obstructive, is the most common, and involves a physical blockage that prevents proper airflow through the windpipe. In central sleep apnea, the brain and central nervous system fails to alert the sleeper that he or she needs to breathe. This type is very rare.

CPAP is short for continuous positive airway pressure. In CPAP therapy, you wear a mask that is connected to a machine that pumps air through a tube. For people who have difficulty breathing during the day or the night, these machines can be very helpful.

For some people with sleep apnea, the machines can be bothersome. Some common complaints from people who use CPAP machines at night are:

  • Dry mouth
  • Stuffy nose
  • Feeling claustrophobic
  • Mask falling off at night
  • Mask causing friction or rash on the skin
  • Air leaking out of the mask
  • Noise from the machine is disturbing

It’s important to get a proper fit for CPAP machines and to select the right machine for you. Luckily, working with a sleep expert and an experienced device technician can improve your experience using a CPAP machine.

Please call if you require help with renting a CPAP machine package.

Whether you rent or buy form us, we will remain available 24/7 during for your service. Our CPAP trained representatives will ensure that you get comfortable with the CPAP machine

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