Monthly Archives - June 2021

Capap Rental

Auto CPAP Machines for Sale or Rent

Auto CPAP Machines are recommended frequently by most physicians compared to manual CPAP Machines. Auto CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure devices automatically adjust the level of mask pressure to the patient’s requirements.Srivari healthcare provides CPAP machines and BIPAP machines for rental or sale.  For users with a broken machine or short-term need, we can provide a rental for a few days or months.  We also provide a portable CPAP Machine which is ideal and convenient for travel.We also have many renters [...]

Capap Rental

Know about CPAP

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you have likely been introduced to at least one of the possible treatment options. The most common (and effective) therapy is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).The standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is the use of a machine that provides support to keep your airway open while you are asleep. This can be accomplished with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).In CPAP, a constant flow of pressurized room air is provided via [...]

Capap Rental

CPAP Rentals from Srivari

If you or a loved one suffers from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it can be difficult to find the relief that you need. The good news is that Srivari healthcare offers a variety of CPAP rentals for you to choose from. Whether you’re searching for a short-term solution or you want to try the CPAP machine out before you buy it, we have options for you. This product works by helping to regulate a user’s breathing while they sleep. It works by increasing the air [...]

Bipap Machine

Using CPAP treatment for Covid

Researchers have revealed that Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines — the existing medical treatment — are saving lives of patients hospitalised with Covid-19. CPAP machines use mild air pressure to keep the airways open and are typically used by patients who have breathing problems during sleep.“We show that Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) in the first days of hospitalisation seems to save between 10 per cent to 20 per cent of patients,” said study author Luigi Sedda of [...]

Prisma Vent

Best Ventilator PRISMA VENT50

PRISMA VENT50-C is for ventilating patients with an independent respiratory drive. It can be used on patients who weigh over 10 kg and have respiratory insufficiency. It can be used in both stationary and mobile applications in both domestic and clinical environments. Other features include mouthpiece ventilation modes with pressure and volume control MPVp and MPVv, LIAM (Lung Insufflation Assist Maneuver) to support cough and secretion, and a wide pressure range up to 50 hPa. Equipped with so many supplements, the [...]