Monthly Archives - January 2021

Cpap rental

Which CPAP Mask is Best? Pros & Cons of Mask

Patients wear a CPAP mask during the night over their nose or nose and mouth. The masks connect to a small machine with a hose. The machine pumps pressured air into the patient’s airway to keep it open while they’re sleeping.Continuous positive airway pressure is a type of treatment proven effective for sleep apnea. Even though it is effective, compliance with this therapy continues to be problematic. In fact, up to 83 percent of patients don’t comply with CPAP [...]

Cpap rental

Get the best treatment for Snoring

CPAP rental in chennai or BiPAP rental in chennai. Hence support your patient with homely comfort.CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure):This is the most common NIV. This equipment supports mainly the patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( OSA ). CPAP machine on rent. We are tied up with leading CPAP manufacturer. Hence, take the advantage of the world class technology and high quality ultra modern CPAP machine. Do you snore ? Do your Sleep Study today. Fighting Sleep Apnea had never been so easy.BiPAP (BiLevel Positive Airway [...]


Know More about oxygen concentrator

Living with a condition like COPD can come with its challenges. Keeping up with doctors’ appointments, taking your medications, and investing in your self-care are all things that are important to you feeling your best. But your oxygen therapy doesn’t need to cause a hassle, when you choose a portable oxygen concentrator!Your healthcare provider likely prescribed oxygen therapy to help ease some of your symptoms and to boost your blood oxygenation levels. Whether you’ve been instructed to use oxygen [...]

Prisma Vent

Know about CPAP and BiPap Therapy

Differences Between CPAP, BiPAP Therapy for Sleep ApneaIf you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you have likely been introduced to at least one of the possible treatment options. The most common (and effective) therapy is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).You may be curious to know the difference between CPAP and BiPAP (or bi-level) therapy. In addition, what is adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) therapy? Discover more information about these therapy device types and which one might be right for you.BiPAP or Bilevel [...]