Monthly Archives - May 2020

Prisma Vent

VENT50-Best ventilator

The prisma VENT50 can be used to ventilate with the leakage system and also with the single circuit with the patient valve. Other features include pressure and volume-controlled mouthpiece ventilation, LIAM (Lung Insufflation Assist Maneuver) for cough support and secretion management, and a wide pressure range of up to 50 hPa. Equipped with so many extras, the Prisma VENT50 can treat a much broader spectrum of disorders.The prisma VENT50 also has a complete alarm management system, power pack, rechargeable [...]

Oxygen Rental

How To Make Your CPAP Machine More Comfortable

Getting used to a CPAP machine isn’t always the easiest task. Sleep apnea treatment is unique for each individual. Don’t get discouraged, using your new device will get easier and comes with many benefits. Just be patient as you transition to using your CPAP device, it will get easier. Remember, sleep apnea treatment isn’t only necessary for a good night’s sleep, but it’s important for your mental and physical health as well.How To Make Your CPAP Machine More Comfortable1. [...]

Oxygen Rental

Differences between CPAP and BiPAP

CPAP machines are another kind of small, pressurized breathing device. BiPAP is normally the preferred option for people with COPD.The main difference is that, while CPAP helps a person inhale by using one kind of pressure, BiPAP helps a person both inhale and exhale by using two different pressures. This means that exhaling is easier with BiPAP machines.CPAP works by holding the airways open through continuous pressure, whether the individual is breathing in or out. This pressure stops the upper airways from collapsing, which [...]